Friday, January 29, 2016

Three More Tips I Use to shake the "Blues"

During my previous posts here and here , I discussed a couple of simple ways I use to shake the "blues". Now, if I haven't already said it, if you are struggling with severe depression, these may not help and you should seek counsel to help get through it. Whether that be a physician, clergyman, counselor or any of the other qualified personnel out there that are trained in that area, there are people that can help you through this season of life. And I am not any of those. These tips are just some that have helped me while I was going through some sad times.

Here are a few more things that I implement to help chase away that dark cloud that was hanging over my head for the past three years. I didn't try to do all these things all at once. I was gentle with myself but I also had to push myself a little to get off my butt and change things. It was way too easy to just space out in front of the television if I didn't show myself a little tough love.

  1. Nutrition. When I eat more healthy, fresh foods I just feel better. You may need to take this in baby steps. I did. Most days I just did not feel like preparing any food that took any amount of effort other than opening a bag or box. But try just having a grab and peel piece of fruit or premade salad. Bagged and washed baby carrots or any other prewashed, bagged fresh fruit or vegetable. When you make it as easy to eat the fresh, live food as it is to eat the bag or box of junky comfort food, there is no longer that excuse. And if all you can do to start off is eat ONE serving a day, that's something. Then you can build upon that. Make it a goal to add another serving of fruit or vegetable a day each week until you are eating several servings a day! I know when I eat better, I feel better.
  2. Movement. What that looks like for me is whatever is low impact, quick and easy. I have a short legged mini dachshund that is thrilled with a walk around a couple of blocks. And I'm cool with that too. Most days it only takes 15 to 25 minutes, depending on how much sniffing and marking she feels like doing. She gets her fresh air and exercise and so do I. And, honestly, as much as I dreeeeeaaaad it most days, by the time we get back home, my spirits are lifted. But, if that's more than you are ready for right now go back to just going outside and sitting in the fresh air and sunshine. Maybe you can talk yourself into standing up and doing a few gentle stretches before you go back inside. Or two minutes of yoga. Or one minute of jogging in place. Something, anything to let your body know that you are still alive. Love yourself enough to take the time to do something. You're worth it.
  3. Appearance. Take a look in the mirror. Are you still wearing your nightgown? A ratty, stained tshirt and saggy butt sweatpants? Have you brushed your hair today? For a while there, and even now some days, putting on makeup and something halfway decent to wear was reserved (and even then, begrudgingly) for days I had to leave the house to run errands or go to appointments. I finally got to the point that I challenged myself to, at a minimum, put on a little makeup (foundation or powder, a little lip gloss, a sweep of blush, and mascara) to get rid of the death-warmed-over look and change into something presentable yet comfortable it might even be sweatpants and a tshirt but it had to be nicer sweatpants and tshirts and they couldn't be the ones I slept in the night before). When I look better, I feel better.
I hope some of these simple (not necessarily easy when you are down in the dumps) tips that have helped me (and continue to help me...I'm still struggling, believe me) can help you. And if you have any great tips along these lines, I would love to hear them!

The main thing, is give yourself permission to feel all the emotions you have to feel but also, try not to get too comfortable there. There is still life to be lived and you deserve a beautiful, happy life. So, nudge yourself oh so gently off the couch, out of the bed and do something towards feeling better as soon as you are able.