Saturday, October 5, 2013

Pet Palooza

We all love our pets. I personally enjoy animals of all sorts and one of my hopes is some day to have the means to have a ranch with the room and resources to take in animals that need a home. A furry heaven on earth!
Anywaaaay, I was browsing through some of the recent photos of my critters and thought I would share. If you care. Ha, made a rhyme, right on time. Ahem. Moving on...

This fine specimen is Bobo. He loves to be loved. But only when he wants to be loved.
 And this is Bobo wondering why I'm bothering him. He requested, in no uncertain terms, that I move along, as there was nothing there to see, ma'am...
 Here we have Dollface. She's never met a stranger. She looooves everyone and is quite the social butterfly. This is her "me so comfy" pose which she assumes when she is really into gnawing on something. And I have obviously disturbed her here as well. Move along mom, por favor. (She also speaks a little Spanish and is quite mannerly.)
 Here is Dollface doing her seal impersonation. She can bark like a seal as well but it comes out sounding more like a dog bark. She promises to keep practicing...
 This is Dollface on her tempurpedic mattress (aka daddy's pillow. Shhhhh...) all snuggled up with her baby after a busy day of sleeping, eating and playing. And in that order...
 Meeting a new friend, Scooter... 
 Back to Bobo. Oh, and let me introduce Bob. He sort of adopted us. Or I guess I should say, our accommodations. He doesn't really want anything to do with us personally. This is a picture I entitled: In the Jungle...
 And another masterpiece of mine entitled:
That Look of Love...
 In the spirit of the upcoming Halloween holiday I had Bobo do tricks for treats (you can see he works hard for his money)...
 Bobo generally enjoys the great outdoors like the manly man that he is. Until it starts raining. Then he cries like a little girl and wants to come in and enjoy the comforts of home. (Bob? I guess Bob would prefer to weather the storm rather than be touched by filthy humans, lol. FYI~we call him Bob because of his bobbed tail.)...
 Mommy and her snuggle bunny... 
 Mommy's snuggle bunny fast asleep on mommy. (Yes, I'm one of "those" dog owners. And yes, I made and embroidered her blanket with her name on it. No shame.)...
I hope you enjoyed this little bit o' silliness!
Wishing you furry kisses kinda day!~TJ

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