Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Heat is On!

strolling the beach on Galveston island in TX, with a lone fisherman in the distance
As much as I would like to be one of those people that embrace the hot, sultry summer months here on the coast of Texas, sadly, it just doesn't happen for this girl.  And never has.  As a child and teen, while all my classmates were hoping for sunshine and warm weather for their weekend beach plans, I was silently praying for a cool, rainy weekend, so that I could curl up with a good book.

Once the heat and humidity really set in, I easily become physically ill.  Spending too much time in the hot outdoors leaves me feeling, exhausted, queasy, and like I might pass out at any moment.  Our first official day of over 90 degree Fahrenheit temperature was on the 8th of this month.  That is about the temperature that I notice I just can't take the heat anymore and have to spend most of my time indoors.  I become phantomlike, waiting for sunset, if at all possible, before venturing out to run errands.  Even then, the humidity can make my evening and nighttime outings as unbearable as during the heat of the day.

I have learned to wholeheartedly embrace the months that have temperatures that agree with me to the fullest, and that's just what I have been up to.
any day that leaves you, your dog, and your vehicle covered in sand from stem to stern, is a good day!

One of the things I did before the mercury hit the high 80's, is take a little day trip to my hometown of Galveston, Texas.  I explored my old stomping grounds, walked the beach and closed out the day with a late lunch, parked at Sonic, overlooking the Gulf of Mexico.  While noshing, I was treated to the sight of birds, divebombing into the water to catch a little lunch of their own!  The weather was glorious, with light, sea salt scented breezes!  The high that day was 80°F.
a late lunch at Sonic enjoying the view

How is the weather where you are?

Thanks for stopping by!  I'm off to sit in front of a fan, lol!~ TJ

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