Monday, June 17, 2019

Summertime Backyard Sittin'

the view from my patio chair at dusk

This past Saturday, the weather was so delightful, what with it's low humidity and all, I couldn't help but harness up our kitty Galahad, and head out back for some sky gazing.

The soft, warm breezes delicately caressed my face as I cuddled up in the gently descending blanket of dusk.  Galahad lay in the grass nearby, taking in the wonders that the dreams of indoor kitties are made of.  Cicada song, toads chirping and seeing sights that only his keen feline vision could detect in the inky atmosphere. 

And then, after a little while, when the darkness had descended full on, the buzzing began.  Surrounding us.  I tried to be brave, as whatever it was flew from plant to plant.  But then I could take it no more.  I unleashed Galahad and scurried inside, much to his dismay.  I'm OUT!

You see, we have palmetto bugs in these here parts, which for the uninitiated, are basically big ol' roach-y bugs that can be over an inch long.  And can fly (I'm getting heebie jeeebie goosebumps just thinking about the times I have been chased by them).  And they tend to live in palm trees.  There's their condo right there...

It was nice while it lasted.

I hope you had a weekend full of adventure as well!

Thanks for stopping by! ~TJ

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