Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Becoming My Own Barista!

I found bags of Newman's Own organic ground coffee marked down to $2 a 10 ounce bag a while back.  In my frenzied, frugal excitement, I grabbed every bag!   

BUT...when I brewed it, I realized it was a medium roast.  We don't drink medium roast.  We drink (what someone once said tasted like tar ๐Ÿ˜’. Lightweight. lol) dark, bold roast coffees.

So, I put those bags of coffee in Foodsaver bags and froze them.  I knew that I would use them, somehow, some way, some day.

For such a time as this...

The heavens parted one day and a blinding light woke me up from my sad, frozen coffee slumber.  It was then that I realized I was missing out!  All this time I could have been making my own cold brewed coffee! And so it began.

The DD and I now enjoy iced coffee anytime the spirit moves us, without spending the cringeworthy big $$$ at the coffeehouse or even at the grocery store.  Without even leaving the house.  And that medium roast coffee as cold brewed iced coffee? Deee-licious!  A perfect warm-afternoon-on-the-patio kinda drink!

I like mine sugarfree, she doesn't, lol.  I'm going to even start making a decaf version so we can indulge after noon (you know you're getting old when you avoid having caffeine after noon, lol!)

Do you brew your own cold brewed coffee?  What's your favorite concoction?  Please share!

Thanks for stopping by! ~TJ

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Friday, July 13, 2018

I've Been Bitten by the (de)Clutter Bug!

...But still wanting to enjoy the summer season and life and having to work my business, I have been sticking to my "just one thing" philosophy.
bird watching
see the video clip here on ig:

Just one thing?!  "What does that mean?", I hear you inquiring.  Out loud.  To your computer screen.  (Lol, there goes my offbeat sense of humor/vivid imagination again *wink*.)

Wellllll... it simply means that, for instance, if I enter a room to do or fetch something, I do just one thing more (no matter how small).  That way, I am decluttering, cleaning or doing, just one extra little thing or task, at a time.  It allows me to make progress and not allow things to become stagnant or build up, but without a major added investment of time spent.

This especially helps me when decluttering.  You see, I have a hard time letting things go sometimes.  Especially those items to which I may have a sentimental or other attachment to (oh, who am I kidding?!  I have an attachment to all my stuff in one way or another.~ "My kid made that hardened blob of salt dough thirty years ago!",  I whine.  "I paid good, hard earned money for that at Dollar Tree seven years ago.",  I wail.  "So what that I've only been holding onto it for the past four decades?  I still might neeeeeed it someday!", I protest.  You get me.  I know you do.).  Since I am only asking myself to get rid of one thing at a time, on the fly, somehow it's easier for me.  I'm not sitting in front of a whole tub of sentimental knick knacks and paddy whacks telling myself I need to make a decision on EACH. AND. EVERY. THING. in the box. NOW.  And getting rid of one thing at a time as I'm quickly passing through a room or area?  I hardly feel or remember it.

And as far as cleaning goes, (which I detest.  LOATHE, to be quite honest.  But I do like my surroundings to be clean and relatively tidy.  So, what's a girl to do?  Just one thing!) a quick swipe, sweep, fold or put away, doesn't feel quite so painful.

And it all barely adds up to an extra minute or two of my time for each task.  Leaving me to attend to things that, by my calculations, really matter.  Like listening to a family member unburden themselves or share joyful news.  Or earning an extra dollar to pay a bill or put food on the table.  Or...bird watching.

I know I am not the inventor of this concept.  You may actually do it as well.  And if you do, I would love to hear about it!  You may have a way of doing it that's even better that would help me, and anyone else reading here!

Thanks for stopping by! ~TJ

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

July 4th

my sweet grandson from a 4th past
Wishing you a safe, fun filled Independence Day!
Our weather forecast is for rain, rain and more RAIN! Honestly though, I personally don't mind, as I love rain.  I do feel badly for those who were hoping for a sunshine-y 4th though.  I would never want to rain on other folks' parade (pun intended). We had planned on doing some grilling for the holiday, but that can be done another day.

I will content myself with cozy-ing up with a good book in a favorite reading spot...

and maybe plan an indoor, oven bbq dinner.  Or maybe not.  There are some delicious leftovers in the fridge. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

How will you be spending your day?  Sending happy sunshine rays, and sparkly fireworks your way! ~TJ