Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I Love Wednesdays!

Each Wednesday evening, we go out to one of several nearby restaurants for dinner which frees me from cooking! The hardest part is deciding where to go. Mexican (my favorite), Italian, American, Chinese? Hmmm...

I don't get a totally free pass though. I usually use that day to bake especially yummy things or bake bread.

Tonight however, I have to be careful, since I've recommitted to watching what I eat. I kinda have been backsliding since the beginning of the year. I love my high protien/low carb/food combining diet and it's where I feel most "at home" diet wise. My mom came to visit this past Easter/my birthday weekend and I was motivated to hop back on the wagon since she basically follows the same sort of diet. Mom, you are inspiring!

What are you having for dinner tonight? Home or restaurant? Please share!

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