Thursday, July 11, 2019

Puttering and Watching the Gulf~


As I sit here typing in the darkness of the kitchen, caused by the rain clouds that were blown in by sudden winds,  I hear the heavy raindrops beating out of sync with the satisfying "pop...POP's!" of the cranberries that I have heating on the stove.  I am making some cranberry juice from cranberries I bought on deep discount last winter and froze, while hubby is intently watching the Weather Channel and the latest breaking news on tropical storm Barry.  Such is life on the gulf coast.

Tropical storms can be devastating, and although they are not predicting Barry to hit our area, it never hurts to keep an eye on the Gulf when storms are a'brewin'.  All in the path of the storm will be in our constant watch, thoughts and prayers.

This past week was a quiet one as my daughter had a four day weekend for the fourth of July holiday.  She didn't make any plans other than r&r-ing to recover from working many days straight the couple of weeks before.  Since she was home, we got to spend some mother daughter time together just hanging out, giggling and girl talking. We also went to a nearby Hispanic grocery store looking for some vanilla.  They didn't have what I was looking for so we decided to stop in at the Indian grocery store since it was on our way home, just to see their offerings.  Just walking in them, with their sights and smells, instantly brought back fond memories.  I left each of them with a mental wish list of herbs, spices and other products (this is one♡) that I can't wait to go back and purchase.  But first, I want to think a bit more and make a proper list before I go back.
the coleus that has self seeded everywhere, lol

I took some cuttings of plants (coleus, pothos ivy, english ivy) that I wanted to propagate in water. Honestly, I have self seeded coleus popping up all over our property but the one I took a cutting of is a white/chartreuse variegated variety that I would love to have more of.  I'm thinking of doing the same with my grape vine (the one that has actually been producing grapes, not the freeloader!).  I have propagated cuttings from our turkey fig tree as well and they have taken off nicely.  What a wonderful way to have more plants without spending money!

I spent a little time mending one of our couch pillows by hand, the project of which had been on my to-do list for quite awhile.  I had not done any hand sewing in a long time and had forgotten what a beautiful type of meditation it could be.  It really was a welcome task that caused me to slow down from my usual flitting and fluttering from one project or job to another.  
In the kitchen, along with all the other necessary meals and snacks, I made up some refreshing cold brewed coffee.  We love having it in our beverage rotation to enjoy on those sweltering, dog days of summer!

And before I go...look what I found out in the garden while trimming branches!  I believe they are creeping cucumber but they look like Lilliputian watermelons!  

The garden is always full of surprises!

I would love to hear how you spent your time this last week!

Have a great week ahead and thanks for stopping by!~TJ

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