Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Booch and Brekkie~


I'm not big on eating first thing in the morning, never have been. I do consider the first meal I eat for the day breakfast, no matter what time it is. Sometimes I eat what would normally be considered "breakfast-y" type foods and sometimes not. I eat what my body is asking for and always try to make sure it is healthy.


Today I threw together a favorite combo when I realized I needed to eat the yogurt in the fridge soon. Plain yogurt, frozen fruit that I left in the fridge to defrost overnight, a drizzle of honey, and a sprinkle of chia seeds, flax seeds and cinnamon. YUM! A little bubbly to drink (GT's Synergy Gingerade kombucha that is) and I'm ready to take on the day!

Are you a breakfast eater? I'd love to hear about your favorite breakfast. 

Thanks for joining me for breakfast today!
bts~the cast of characters~Great Value Mixed Fruit, Stonyfield yogurt, 
honey, Synergy kombucha, flax seed, chia seeds and cinnamon 

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