Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Can I Do It? A Challenge...
Since I lost my part time job back in June, and considering some very expensive recent events, I have been trying to watch how I spend money and doing what I can to bring in extra money but yesterday, I began wondering if I could go a year without paying full price for anything. So, I thought I'd challenge myself to a year of seeing if I could truly get by without spending full price for anything. Most everything goes on sale at one time or another, and if I can stock up on said item when it does, I will.
Now to be fair and honest, this challenge is for me, not my hubby who can be a little spendthrifty at times. He has been known to pop into a store & bring home things to surprise us or just because he thinks/knows we need something. But my frugal ways have begun to rub off on him so, he tries. Also, we are by no means in dire straits because I lost my job but, we did count on that money and I don't want my job loss to become a burden financially to my husband if it doesn't need to be. So I am committed to doing what I can to stretching our dollars to go as far as possible.
I am also taking into account that some things rarely, if ever, go on sale. Things like milk (we buy lactose free) for instance. Yes, I find markdown milk. And veggies and meat do go on sale but, I won't beat myself up if I absolutely need something and can't find it on sale. I am determined to buy in bulk when items are on sale and use coupons for things I would buy anyway if I have them. I am going to do my best and we will see.
I will probably update weekly to see my progress. If this can help someone that may be having hard times or is just interested in saving a buck or two, then that would make me so happy!
I will share some things I do on a regular basis to save money another time.
Thanks for stopping by! (and wish me luck!)
*I would love to hear about YOUR frugal tips! Or maybe you would like to join me in challenging yourself?!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Mom's Visit and My Etsy Shop is Featured!
And I'm SO excited to share that Amanda at bigDAYpartyshop just featured my Polka Dot Half Apron - "Barbara" in her rick rack themed treasury!!! Thanks Amanda! Go see her cute party ribbons and banners! You might find just the thing there for your next celebration!
Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend~thanks for stopping by!
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010
Cute as a Cupcake!
Quick & easy & ohhh so yummy...
made even better by wearing just the right CUPCAKE apron!
My cupcake apron?~I didn't make this one, I got it in my AVON shop for a price that can't be licked!

Hostess Apron~product #632630
And some other cute as a cupcake cupcake makin' accessories:

Multi Tier Cupcake Stand~product #635850

Cupcake Decorator Tool Set~product #635864
Get 'em before they're gone!
The right tools can make a big difference no matter what job you're doing.
(if you love AVON, you can sign up on my website to receive regular emails about the latest products & specials! And orders of $30 or more receive FREE shipping! Thanks for shopping with me and spreading the word!)
Thanks, as always, for stopping by! I treasure your sweet comments!Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Mornin', Glory!
She's so proud of her Morning Glory!
Glad you were able to visit today!
Welcome Autumn! Welcome Fall!
Thanks for stopping by~I love "meeting" each & every one of you!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Happy Labor Day!

Friday, September 3, 2010
Cozy Evening at Home...
Some cooler temps...
Thanks for visiting!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
this little Dollface.
Thanks for stopping by!
Christmas Aprons in my Etsy Shop!

Thank you for visiting!