Friday, April 5, 2013

Use it Up, Wear it Out

assorted samples, mineral makeups, Suzanne Somers body lotion & Organix Moroccan argan oil hair product
I've really been trying to make a conscious effort to use up those last little bit of stuff and samples of things.
Here is a photo of my "accomplishments".
I realized I needed to quit buying more, and using what I had on hand, when things starting falling out of my bathroom cabinet every time I needed something out of there.
Too much stuff!
Now I'm not complaining mind you, I'm very grateful and blessed to have all I have. BUT, I decided it was high time I truly appreciated what I had more.
Instead of always having my eye, mind and heart on getting
Looking forward to more space in my spaces and enjoying what I HAVE!
Are you "following" me on Instagram yet? Please do!

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