Monday, June 3, 2013

Food Mood~Summer Fruits & the Dessert Possibilities!

Do you ever get in a "food mood"? I do. And lately I've been in a cobbler kind of mood.

It all started when hubby ordered IHOP's Peaches and Cream Brioche French Toast. That got my mind on peaches. And then peach cobbler.

I couldn't get peach cobbler out of my mind for days. And then when, finally, my po' brain got some blessed relief from thoughts of peach cobbler, we find ourselves in IHOP again. And he orders that dang peaches and cream concoction again. And my obsessive brain grabs hold of visions of peach cobbler, yes...again.

So, I made myself some peach cobbler, stat. And since no one else seemed to have any interest whatsoever in peach cobbler, I ate the whole thing. By myself. Over the course of a few days. I sure did.

And now, just this morning, I ran across some blackberries I had stashed away in the freezer. And that got me to thinkin'...
Oh yeah!
Blackberry Cobbler~I made it! Couldn't wait!
Also, while I was looking in the freezer, I happened to spy some raspberries. And that's got me to thinkin'...
Mmm mmm!
Hmmm. Decisions, decisions.
The summer fruitiness of it all is making my tummy hungry!
And my mouth water!
Happy fruity desserts to all!~TJ

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