Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Five Frugal Things ~ 11/9/22

 "When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears."

~ Anthony Robbins
I love this quote! I refuse to fear this economy or the future, and I am certainly not going to put a stake in the ground of lack and hold onto it for dear life as my "identity". I also refuse to hang onto the depressing news reports of gloom and doom and regurgitate them here to underscore the negativity. I will continue to do what is necessary to see us through this trying time but I am determined to focus on the positive, not poverty. I believe better days are ahead.
In the meantime, here are a few things I did to save money here and there...

📷:  internet

1)  I made homemade popcorn for our salty snack cravings. It is less expensive than the chips we often buy and fairly easy to make, as I use the Stir Crazy popcorn popper that I bought as a gift for my popcorn loving hubby several years ago. 

2)  I went to two nearby grocery stores to purchase the loss leaders offered in their weekly flyers that we could and would use. 

3)  I returned an item that wasn't the size we needed. Return shipping was free and I was able to drop it off at our nearby UPS location while I was out running another errand.

4)  I have changed the way I do laundry.  I used to divide up laundry into categories that resulted in more, smaller loads. No "category" has been harmed or ruined by combining with another category 😆. Working smarter, not harder and saving time, water and electricity in the process😃

5)  I have been rethinking the way I garden. I want to only grow things that I know I am capable of growing and that does well in our climate. While prices remain what they are, I won't be experimenting with unknowns, saving us on the cost of seeds (and occasionally, but rarely, plants), water and my time. When there is more wiggle room in the budget at some point in the future,  I may indulge in trying my hand at sowing and planting things I never have before, taking the chance on possible losses.  For now, I intend to sow only the seeds I have on hand and when they are gone, I will only purchase tried and true winners.

How have your money-saving efforts been going? Here's wishing us all much happiness, prosperity and abundance! 

Thanks for stopping by! 



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